Spiritual Background of the Crisis

Results from Anthroposophical Research

The Theory of Conspiracy
Source: Bondarew, G. A. "Die Welt und Menschheit auf der Kreuzung der okkult-politischen Bewegungen der Gegenwart", Basel 2017, p. 174-179
Full text of the source in Russian can be found here.
Full text of the source in German can be found here.
Full text of the source in English can be found here.

The unforgiving fight between the “Fathers of Darkness” (the Jesuits) and the “Brethren of the Shadows” (the Freemasons) in the past is known. It forced the “Brethren” into hiding and to operate through conspiracy. When the outer danger ceased the conspiracy remained. And the “Fathers” took refuge to this practice as well. Sometimes they engage in it together like during the socialistic experiment in Russia. Yet they remain antipodes that work for the destruction of each other respectively. Through their fight the present world is torn apart. Nevertheless, they cannot be blamed directly for all evil in the world. Because behind them stand mighty extrasensory powers. Those two currents in history, society, politics are – only their instruments.

Inspired through Ahriman the “Brethren of the Shadows”, which are the “Instruments of secret societies” (of the left path), have created Bolshevism together with the “Fathers of Darkness”. It is their heinous child. Born and starched it found its patron in the extrasensory world. Now it tries to swallow its parents and to dominate the world.

During the 20th century those occult-political centers of power were joined by two others, that are directed also from the extrasensory world. These are National socialism and Zionism. As they have become five, the three types of retarded spirits (Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuras) have united them and socialized this unity in the shape of the inverted pentagram, which is their archetype, their primary phenomenon. This looks like shown in the following figure:

Figure 1: The primordial phenomenon of socialised evil.

This pentagram is encased in the triangle of the beings falling behind from the three Hierarchies above man [Angels, Archangels and Archai]. On one hand it stands in relation to the Divine Triangle (of the Holy Trinity) that has descended into evolution on the other hand it hinders evolution. The beings forming this triangle try to rob the power of metamorphosis from the Divine Triangle, that is the possibility of returning into the spiritual heights. Man is the main instrument in this fight against God and the evolution He intends – but only when man is willing to participate in eternal sin.

The five centers of present-day worldly power are headed by three, let us say mundane governors, by three popes. One, the “white”, is known – he resides in Rome (it is not important whether he is aware of his role, the main point are his deeds). There is a pope of the secret societies. He is called the “black” one. And then there is the “red” pope of Bolshevism. The first convincing report from his existence gave Gregorij Klimov, an officer who defected in 1948 from Berlin into the West. (There he then participated in the so called “Harvard Project” which prepared the conclusion of the soviet experiment.)

The cosmological meaning of the primary phenomenon expressing eternal sin is as follows: The retarding beings have inside the conditions of materialistic culture created a form with which they try to supplant the Divine Triangle of primordial revelation. In this Triangle higher man was revealed uniting in himself the Name, the Kingdom and the Will of the fatherly basis of the world (“väterlicher Weltengrund” in German; anthroposophical term for the unity constituting the Holy Trinity) which have become the highest elements of his spirit. These elements should give birth to the lower “I” of man. This made the descent into matter necessary which would not have been possible if the retarded hierarchical beings would not have strived to supplant the divine form with their own. Can we characterize this strive as a “conspiracy against God”? No, we cannot. Because on the one hand this is simply a law of evolution and on the other hand we are dealing with the consequences of shortcomings and failures that man has allowed himself throughout his development. A brick ruptured from the roof will certainly fall. Whether he will hit the head of a person or not depends in many respects on the person itself.

But the intervention of the retarded spiritual beings into the social life of mankind exceeds of course their legitimate evolutionary duties. This can be compared to a falling brick that thinks during its fall it could leave its course and hit the head of a person. These kinds of aspirations they naturally hide from man as he could become attentive to “falling bricks” if he knew about them. Therefore, we can speak of a conspiracy of the retarded spiritual beings against man. The Gods are warning mankind, but people do not listen. Humanity is subjected to ongoing inhuman socialistic, eugenic, genetic and so on experiments; the temptations of people with power, welfare and comfort will pull them ever stronger into segregated parties, collectives, blocks, fraternities, lodges and bind them there.

* * *

The Perestroika in Russia has not happened to free the enslaved nations from Bolshevism. It was an expression of reshaping the primordial phenomenon shown above, an expression of a new phase in the social and political experimentation. Would the political scientists have recognized this primordial phenomenon earlier and would they have known that it is the real basis für the theory of conspiracy, it would have been possible already in the last decade of the 20th century to speak openly about where Russia and the whole of humanity are intended to be led next.

Possibly this primordial phenomenon appears in the spiritual sphere as an image of an infernal grimace like it is sometimes portrayed by filmmakers quite aptly. Speaking figuratively, one could say that during the Perestroika the expression of this grimace has changed. Its shaken streaks have deformed into a new arrangement. The movement of these streaks causes global events that can be observed today.

Until the end of the eighties the political systems of Russia and the U.S.A. were placed in the pentagram like this:

Figure 2: The phenomenon of socialised evil during the cold war.

Then bolshevist Russia was pushed away from the lower corner of the pentagram. The Russians are not the ethnicity that is able to extent with full force Bolshevism over the entire globe. If Russia would be thrown entirely out of the pentagram, then it could achieve its spiritual rebirth. But it was pushed into the pentagram and there it became some kind of trophy around which all five worldly power centers extend their fangs.

Figure 3: The phenomenon of socialised evil since the nineties.

They need it as strong inert force in their fighting among themselves. As such they have used it now for a long time. Without Russia the first world war would not have broken out. Before the second world war Berlin was markedly aware that without alliance with Russia it would not win the war against England. And in London it was known that without Moscow victory over Germany was not possible.

Now the experimenters have understood that without Russia creating the trifolium of super blocs [Euro America (America and Western Europe), Euro Asia (Eastern Europe from Brest and Russia), and Middle- together with the Far East] will fail. The best thing for Russia would be no to become a political trophy of any world power. Yet to achieve this in an external, military and economic manner it cannot. This will become obvious in the further events in Ukraine [translators remark: this was written in 2015]. The place of the Soviet Union in the top of the inverted pentagram is now occupied by the United States. And its place has been taken by the “Brethren of the Shadows” in the European Union.

The former Pan Americanism in the guise of humanism has been, more or less, acceptable. But now it transforms itself into “Oceania” with the ideology of “Ingsoc” (terms from G. Orwell’s ‘1984’). In a sense this is in accordance with the laws of cultural evolution. At the beginning of the 20th century Rudolf Steiner warned: “Today we are in praxi overflowed with that which is acting out as the most extreme western wing in Bolshevism. And the West will have to experience in a time not far from today that the things which he does not want to have, and which are pushed into the East, will approach it from the East. A strange self-recognition this will be.” (GA 199, S. 114, 21.8.1920) This is what we experience today. Only with one exception – the self-recognition. In the West it seems not to be cultivated. Let us hope a time for it will come.

Rudolf Steiner characterizes Bolshevism from the spiritual side and points to the spirits falling behind. He says those spirits are called according to the tradition of the church Devil, Satan and other names. But the Devil must not be confused with Satan. The Devil compared to Satan is a weaker force. “Satan has the rank of Archai [Spirits of Personality, the third Hierarchy above man] and he is the one who has grasped intellectuality in the course of world evolution long before it approached mankind. He is currently the one who is, so to speak, the most comprehensive owner of intellectuality and he strives to bind the human intellect so strongly to his own, that man can by this way fall out of his evolution. To make ineffective the Mystery of Golgotha this Ahrimanic power strives for.” Satan can only gain access to mankind thanks to the intellect, “… because the intellect is placed in man in such a way, that it is the most independent element; all other parts of man are attached to certain Divine powers. Therefore, man must understand, that he has to identify himself through his own free will with the last goals of the Apocalypse, where the author clearly implies that the continuous creative power of the evolution, the Alpha and the Omega, [the Christ,] will appear.” Most strenuously Satan is acting in east European Bolshevism, where the unification of people is tried with all means in a way that would make necessary a group soul. “… If then the most intelligent people are seized into the lower Ahrimanic sphere, then those groups, that are shaped in such a way, can only be attached to Ahrimanic powers; and this then would be the way for the Satanic powers to tear mankind out of earthly evolution and to bring man into a different planetary evolution.” (GA 346, p. 257-259, 22.9.1924)

What should be done in this case Rudolf Steiner said as well: Under these circumstances man has to place into the center of all his sentiments the fact, “that a serious intervention into the forces shaping the world from the side of spiritual science is a question of applying and bringing to recognition among people what is called from our viewpoint science of initiation …”

To be continued...

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Impressum: R. Studer, 2022